Thursday, April 26, 2012

TKD Competition

Took part in TKD competiton on the 23rd, Monday. Skipped school for the entire day. Guessed I missed out a lot on lessons that day. Although I just joined the team, I took part as a competitor in the yellow belt category.

And then, there's the part I am really pissed off by. Most of the judges for the competition were from a specific school, let's call it M. My school didn't have a judge on the panel. Having trained so hard, from after school till late at night everyday for 4 weeks, we could see we were much better than the other schools in the yellow belt pattern. Yet, for the my mat especially, the judges were completely unfair. Despite doing the pattern better than most, the competitors from our school were given extremely low marks in comparison. For example, although our kicks and moves are sharper and faster, the judges did not give us the marks we deserve. Instead, we were given marks similar to those who had no speed or accuracy in their moves. In fact, just because some of them kick slightly higher than us, they were given much higher marks. The fact that the judges ignored the precision of the footwork and the moves, and the power placed into our execution, which should have been noted and judged as well, just goes to show that they are bias against us. In fact, M gained top place for the boys category instead.

Although I understand the competitor from M that gained top place was indeed more experienced in TKD than us, I do believe that we should have achieved second or third position in individuals and first place in team. Yet, due to the bias judges, despite having comparitive performance to the best in individuals and executing an excellent team pattern, our scores were nowhere close to what was deserved. Instead, none of the competitors from my team, or even my school, that participated on that specific mat with the bias judges was able to obtain what they deserved. This goes for my seniors as well despite having participated and achieving high positions since the previous years. For my team, the only medal we achieved was fourth in team pattern.

To show further evidence, our female teams were able to achieve overall first position for the competition. It isn't as if we were worse off than them in our pattern or that our competition was stronger, it was simply just that our judges were bias! Instead, we were barely able to take 4th place overall for the males category.

I'm not complaining here becase we were unable to get to top three. Instead I'm complaining because despite our hardwork, and excellent performance during the competition, the bias judges did not wish to acknowledge us and instead give us scores comparitive to the worst. It is not as if we are a school with a lousy team, instead, the TKD has been winning top three positions every year before.

I am thus saddened and outraged by the fact that they dare feel satisfied with what they gained by such methods. What happened to the values of sportsmanship?! In fact, I heard from a friend that they dare proclaimed having worked hard for the competition thus enabling them to achieve top position during the competition. Although a few days have passed since the competition, I am still unable to rid of my anger for M. I hope that it would be just this once that there was no sportsmanship shown in this competition, otherqise I'm really gonna snap the next time I see such nonsense.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

New school, new CCA

So after 4 committed years in NCC, graduating with the rank of 1st sergeant, I joined Taekwondo in my new school, JJC. Awesome CCA, but sadly, not many participants this year... The seniors said it used to have a hundred students signing up, and they had to slowly eliminate most of them... But this, there were barely ten of us. Tomorrow, we'll be having the grading for J1s, us that is...

So we've been practising this "pattern" for quite some time now... But I hope I'll still get some time to practise again tomorrow before the grading... Don't want to go screwing up my first grading now, would I.

So, gotta get plenty of rest, still gotta iron my uniform, and yeah that's it... Gd nites ppl!

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Stepped down from my CCA on 27/4. Been a great experience. A leader for 5 months or so I guess. So I got a cert and was also promoted to first sergeant that day. Huh... talk about late promotions. So, well, that will probably be the end to this really short path so I guess I am going to be changing the title of this blog pretty soon, but the content will stay for old times sake.

So Os coming round the corner, hence the step down. By the way, just in case you've been wondering about the title, POP stands for Pass Out Parade. There'll be a KAE (Key Appointment Exchande) Parade later. Not sure when. Not even sure if I'm required to go since I don't hold any "Key Appointment".

4 yrs in NCC. Passed so fast. 3 yrs actually, to be slightly more precise. All the hopes and dreams passed away huh. So here I am, sitting in front of my computer, surrounded by books and staring at my rank which I can't be bothered to sew on my uniform since I've stepped down.

I guess the following day will be passing even faster. Hope I hold out.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

NCC movie! Woohoo!

So new year is coming up! After Christmas that is... That means new recruits for my CCA! Wee!

So, we are making a movie to attract the new recruits... And I am in it! Hehe! We made an intitial movie but decided it was crap so we scrapped it. The second movie had a few changes including cast members cause some did not come on that day. I'm in for both anyway... Over-enthusiastic guy here!

Yesterday we had a send-off-the-seniors party! For graduating secondary 4 people. Funny enough... All the sec 4s could not come because they had grad-lunch,,, Aww.... So we just had a BBQ party with water bombs and water guns with the juniors. Played tug-of-war before we ended everything and went back.

The end. I guess. Teehee!

Friday, August 20, 2010

CCA resume.

Resumed CCA after Common test 3. Yesterday was physical training. Or more like a second chance for those who wish to improve. Gold NAPFA people in charge of each station. I was in charge for shuttle run. In the end, because sec 1s went for train fire and some sec 3s went to parliament house, very few came. So the teacher in charge just took care of all the stations. Left me pretty jobless and hella of a bored...

So I just wasted 3.5 hours there. In the end, the specs had to entertain themselves. We used the dice, meant to train the orienteering group, the fittest sec 2s. Kinda used the numbers to do push-ups. Eg. throw twice, ten-sided dice. number times number = push-ups to do. highest number gained was 81. Chances were 0.01%. But my friend got it. Still owes us 86 push-ups. hehe.

So yeah, that was it, really bored training.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

National Day Carnival

8/8 Sunday. 2.45pm report there. Set up of stalls and stuff. Held behind school.Yeah, I know, pretty late already and stuff, but yeah...

2 stalls. "Dead or alive" and "NERF". I was manning the "Dead or alive" stall. 13 cups. 10 tries. Depending on the score, you get a prize. Sounds easy yes? Haha... We thought so too... The initial scores were quite high.Then when we tried it, we had to lower down the scores or it would be impossible. Prizes were biscuits, waffles, notepads w/ calender, mini sewing kit and electric hand-held fan.

Nerf N-Strike VulcanImage by HK-DMZ via Flickr
For the "NERF" stall, we used the Vulcan Nerf gun. The one in the picture. (NOTE: The pic is not mine...) Customers had to shoot down little action figures to gain a prize. This one was easier. We thought this station would have loads more people than the station I was manning. Odd enogh, the station that I was manning had more customers. Hmm... Usually one would think that a station would have more customers if the equipment was better and more attractive. Then again, it may be because the banner was more on our side, thus attracting more customers...
Kao mun gai, a Thai chicken dish with a ginger...Image via Wikipedia

Games started at 5pm. Had dinner before we started. I ate Hainanese chicken rice. (NOTE: The pic is not mine... neither was it the stall's chicken rice...) Quite decent considering the fact that the amount was more than most of the other stalls and that the tickets were really cheap. We got 1 free ticket each. 1 meal, 3 games, 1 luky draw. Lucky draw ticket was given to also receive a free goodie bag.

My father was invited to the dinner there w/ Dr Tharman. One of the VIPs there. 9pm we started packing up the stalls and by 10pm we were off! My father then fetched one of my friends and I home. Some pics during the carnival below. As the camera man, I'd obviously NOT be in the photos... Those are all my friends...
that's my principal there!

setting up of Nerf stall
no idea what they looking at...
my friends
rubbish bin! keeps the place clean!
about to close the stalls...
Enhanced by Zemanta

Friday, August 6, 2010

National Day Parade done!

National Day Parade today. 6:30am report to school. My father fetched me there. Was half an hour early, so my father went to McDonald drive through and got sausage mcmuffin meals. Ate in school. 6:30++, went with my senior to ensure that the markings for the contigents and parade commanders were in place. Aligned the marking et cetera.

Parade went out quite well. However, I had problems... The fiber glass rifle muzzle was too short. Was unable to switch hands with rifle to take pladge. Well it was quite hard to hold it 'cause there was nothing to hold. The front sight was not there. Was not much of a problem to me though. Then, lastly, the drain cover was bent. I tripped, but did not fall. However, it was in front of so many! How embarrassing!

Went to the hall for concert. Kinda boring. Sang National Anthem then released at 10am. That about it. Tomorrow I'll have to go to TJCC at 10am for preparations for Sunday festival. My father will be attending the dinner there while I'll be setting up the game stalls there. Haha! So, till then!