Wednesday, March 7, 2012

New school, new CCA

So after 4 committed years in NCC, graduating with the rank of 1st sergeant, I joined Taekwondo in my new school, JJC. Awesome CCA, but sadly, not many participants this year... The seniors said it used to have a hundred students signing up, and they had to slowly eliminate most of them... But this, there were barely ten of us. Tomorrow, we'll be having the grading for J1s, us that is...

So we've been practising this "pattern" for quite some time now... But I hope I'll still get some time to practise again tomorrow before the grading... Don't want to go screwing up my first grading now, would I.

So, gotta get plenty of rest, still gotta iron my uniform, and yeah that's it... Gd nites ppl!

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