Friday, August 20, 2010

CCA resume.

Resumed CCA after Common test 3. Yesterday was physical training. Or more like a second chance for those who wish to improve. Gold NAPFA people in charge of each station. I was in charge for shuttle run. In the end, because sec 1s went for train fire and some sec 3s went to parliament house, very few came. So the teacher in charge just took care of all the stations. Left me pretty jobless and hella of a bored...

So I just wasted 3.5 hours there. In the end, the specs had to entertain themselves. We used the dice, meant to train the orienteering group, the fittest sec 2s. Kinda used the numbers to do push-ups. Eg. throw twice, ten-sided dice. number times number = push-ups to do. highest number gained was 81. Chances were 0.01%. But my friend got it. Still owes us 86 push-ups. hehe.

So yeah, that was it, really bored training.

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