Wednesday, July 14, 2010


So today we had PT(physical training). Really fun. For a long time, I haven't exercised as much as to make my limbs shiver after the training. They were pratically jelly-like. However, I recovered quickly and continued on with the games.

Pretty much, I was assigned to Grp 1. After the company warm-ups and a few push-ups, sit-ups and jmping-jacks, we went on to do a few stations. This were to train up the sec 1 and 2 for their upcoming NAPFA. My group went for push-ups > suicide run (I have no idea why its called that... just much more challenging than the shuttle run station in NAPFA) > Pull-ups (up, hold 5s. down, hold 20s, up, hold 5s than done...) Did 10 incline pull-ups after that.

Games were really fun. Exhausted, but regained my energy quickly. Played handball cause I wasn't one of those soccer maniacs but wasn't really enthusiastic about it. Then, poison ball. My fave. Sit in a circle a throw balls at the people in the middle. Last man standing cum one-way dodgeball kind of thing. I just love dodging. I surpised myself with my exceptional performance in the last game I played. Really fun throwing balls at people too.

Master parade, AAR(after action review or something like that) for specialists(I'm in), then go home... Yeah pretty fun PT. In fact, one of the best I've done in a long time.

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