Friday, March 19, 2010


Came back form spec course 17/3/2010 - 19/3/2010. Camp was great. Met a few new friends and one primary school friend. Loads of fun. However, platoon's discipline not up to level, made me depressed.

Made us sit down most of the time. Resulted in ass pain, leg numb and knee pain. That's for me. Till now, 7 hrs ++ and my sole of my feet still numb.

My platoon, Echo 5, Sir and Ma'am were really nice. Brithdays the same, on Christmas eve. They were kind and caring. Hope I can see them again one day.

Camp was generally great. Great food, great beds, great Sirs and Ma'ams. Really starting to miss these things. Other things like making us sit nearly all the time, not a wanted memory.

Went to IGTS. Stands for Infantry Gunnery and Tatical Simulator. Demonstrated the mortar and some homing missile thing. Tried out the grenade launcher, the machine gun and the Metador. Real fun but I like the granade launcher best. Beatifully mounted on guns. Real sleek looking.

That's it for that. Yeah. Promoted to 3rd sergeant. Not 2nd sad... But not senior cpl whoo!

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