Friday, June 25, 2010


Today's training before school reopens, went pretty well in my opinion. Well, of course! My batch took over for the first time. Actually I felt pretty neutral about it during training. Like, oh, teach those guys something... take some responsibility... show some leadership et cetera. For some reason, when i decided to post this, it's like a spark and then I got all excited. Weird eh?

Anyway, today's training was suppose to get us back into training mood before school starts. My batch taught the juniors some IFC. 2 of the 4 components.

(skip this para if you're not interested in the IFC details)
IFC stands for individual field craft. the 4 components are field signals, movement by day, judging distances and target indication. We taught them field signals and movement by day. Field signals taught were fall in, space out, scout, slow down, 2x up, take cover, ally, foe, etc. Movement by day taught were high crawl (baby crawl), low crawl (leopard crawl), worm crawl (although not sure whether still in syllabus), roll, monkey dash (also not sure whether still in syllabus), high alert, normal alert (I was taught this as low, but sb just went for spec course and said they taught him that so what the hell...), and low alert.

After training, talked with the seniors about the posts stuff etc. Went to MacDonalds for lunch with my friends after that.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Going back to school for CCA soon...

School is about to reopen and I have yet to complete my holiday assignments. In addition, this LAMS website is spoilt. First, there was the overcrowding site error. Now, it is on maintainance! I'll never complete the work posted there... Not like I actually finished my Chinese holiday assignment that was handed out... Although I'm sure I can finish it by the end of the holidays...

Oops... That should be placed on my other blog shouldn't it....

Anyway... Back to the matter... Will have to get back to school for NCC on the 25th... Friday, 1pm. Full no. 4. Hmm.... Wonder what's gonna happen now that my batch just took over. Looks like things will get interesting there...