Sunday, February 28, 2010

FSD "funny feet"

Inspired by another schools uniform group. Decided to use it for our FSD competition.

Srry 'bout the lousy quality. Used my handphone to film it down. Didn't know how they do it. So, we made our version. First time. Quite good for first timers eh? Not standard yet at that time. So, coodination really sucks.

Prototype for Jurong Sec FSD ver. of "funny feet". I'm third from the left. IC second from left and AIC at the back. The shirt I was wearing is not the Jurong PE shirt. got the shirt from some school activity last year. Pants was the school shorts. Brings back old memories... LOL

Did it yesterday morning at the FSD competition. When coodinated with perect timing, it was the best! Good luck to us!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Free style drill competition

27.02.2010 Jurong NCC freestyle drill team went to HQ NCC for freestyle drill sompetition. Been training really hard, although a little slack in the holidays, since the holidays. Today was the big day.

06 00h, gathered at lakeside MRT station. I went there early and ate my breakfast there. Cup noodles from 7 eleven. I think the water was not clean. Had stomach ache later. 3 of my other friends ate it too. all had stomach ache.

Took MRT to Yio Chu Kang. Walked to HQ NCC. 07 30h report in and registered. We were 3rd to perform. I felt that we did it real good. Good coodination but no music. Don't know which school, no coodination. Worse I saw there. Can't remember if it was Nan Hua or something like that, they were the best I saw before we left. Girls unit. Best coodination with great music. To the beat.

Took MRT back to lakeside with my friends. Walked with one of my friend back to his home before I took bus back home. Supposed to have A & E math remedial but was unable to make it out. 12 00h, I saw some of my classmates walk out of school. However, my friend told me that it actually ended at 11 30h. Anyway, I went home to eat lunch.

Hope we get a good placing. I doubt we would be first though. That girls unit deserve it (well, that is from what I saw while I was there, there may be better ones later)

Anyway, we were the only group without a specialist with us. So we were really slack... But I'm sure we did great.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Trainfire SAR 21

Had trainfire for the Singapore Assault Rifle (SAR21) today. 21 probably because it's supposed to be a 21st century weapon. Anyway, this is what I've learnt there.

Stripping of SAR 21
- Magazine out. Place on right most
- Charge weapon a few time then observe chamber. Shout "check clear". Set to safe
- separate weapon by pulling out pin (srry forgot name of pin)
- Receiver group assembly can be separated further to upper/lower receiver group. Place ...receiver group assembly left of magazine
- take out bolt carrier group and place barrel group assembly on left of receiver group assembly
- open cross pin and take out firing pin. Place firing pin left of barrel group assembly
- take out bolt cam pin and place above firing pin and left of barrel G.A.
- bolt comes out to and place above bolt cam pin
- place bolt carrier left of the 3 items > firing pin, bolt cam pin and bolt

Assembly of SAR 21
Just place things back in the reverse order

Mechanism Checks
safety m.c. > Squeeze trigger. unable to do so shout "safety mechanism check!"
firing m.c > firing mode. Squeeze trigger. click sound heard shout "firing mechanism check!"
sheer m.c. > hold trigger. full cock. release trigger. click sound heard shout "sheer mechanism ......................check!"

Feeding of SAR 21
No feeding > Slap magazine butt and charge once. Continue shooting.
Half/Double feeding > (Do same for both) Magazine out. Set to safe. Charge few
....................................... times dust cover facing down. Observe chamber. Put back magazine and ....................................... charge weapon. Continue shooting

That's 'bout it for the SAR 21 that was taught. I doing this so that I can refer when I need to do so. Please feel free to add more about it in comments. Thanks!


My CCA (Co-Curriculum Activity), a compulsory for most, or all, secondary schools in Singapore, is NCC (National Cadet Corps). I've been posting my CCA on my school blog. I decided to separate it now.

However, posts of my CCA in the other blog will be left there.